Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello internet – Welcome to my blog!

My name is Dan McGrath and I am the general manager of Body Solutions Weight Loss + Health, a results-driven weight loss studio in Buckhead.

Through working in the fitness world for six years and having been involved in sports training since I was 12 years old, I’ve developed a signature approach to helping people achieve their goals. The foundation of my approach is empowering clients with knowledge. I firmly believe that if you give people solid, credible information by which to base decisions, they will be exponentially more successful. I’ve coached hundreds of clients over the years and have heard more crazy fitness myths than I can count on my hands (and toes!), so the point of this blog is to empower YOU and help debunk the fact and fiction of health.

I also feel that it is very important to have fun and laugh your way to achieving your goals. With that being said, in addition to health and fitness tidbits, I will also sprinkle in some humorous observations and stories I’ve gathered over the years. For example, in this blog I feel the need to explore such topics as: proper gym etiquette, unexplainably ridiculous gym outfits (did you look in a mirror before leaving the house?) and caveman grunting sounds men use to seem strong (..when, in fact, they are curling 2.5 lb weights).

The goal of this blog is to be both informative and entertaining. I want everyone who reads to feel like they can make better decisions about their health (or clothing choices!), have a chuckle and realize that the world of health does not have to be as intimidating as people make it out to be.

Go To Body Solutions - Weight Loss + Health Website